Monday, August 20, 2012

60 Ways to Be Sexy Naturally

60 Ways to Be Sexy Naturally...
No Boob Job, Tummy Tuck, Hair Dye, or Harsh Chemical Products Required!
1. Exercise daily - Work up a sweat!
2. Apply natural Lipstick, Lip Balm or Lip GLOSS, whichever you LOVE!
3. Get enough sleep
4. Have sex
5. Stand tall with grace and poise
6. Smile
7. Laugh
8. Flirt
9. Dance
10. Wink
11. Kiss - peck, French, any kiss works
12. Embrace
13. Listen
14. Be open-minded
15. Be inquisitive
16. Be quiet at times during conversation
17. Be understanding
18. Make eye contact
19. Take up a hobby that you are passionate about
20. Wear clothes that fit and that you are comfortable and feel sexy in
21. Have body confidence
22. Light a candle
23. Display fresh flowers
24. Cook a delicious meal
25. Be kind
26. Be laid back
27. Know what (color and style) you look good in and wear it * see #20
28. Take good care of your teeth
29. Scrub or dry brush your skin and apply grapeseed oil or natural lotion to moisturize
30. Mix essential oils and wear for a natural, light fragrance
31. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed, filed, and buffed
32. Keep your hands and feet moisturized
33. Give a foot rub
34. Do a favor
35. Be gentle
36. Spend time in nature
37. Have confidence
38. Offer grace
39. Get a little sunshine
40. Say yes when you want to and no when you want to
41. Be content
42. Do some form of toning exercises regularly
43. Touch
44. Refrain from arguing
45. Give a back rub
46. Take a bubble bath
47. Be honest
48. Enjoy fresh food
49. Drink a glass of wine or a cocktail
50. Share a gourmet chocolate bar and eat it slowly
51. Be mindful
52. Skinny dip
53. Walk barefoot on the beach
54. Let your hair down
55. Open your heart
56. Drink plenty of water
57. Express gratitude
58. Keep learning
59. Give a compliment
60. Wear a dress or skirt
For more ways to cultivate happiness, health, confidence and wealth, please visit my website at

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Coming Down from Digital MPD

Digital Multiple Personality Disorder

That's it!  I've had it.  No more multiple personalities within my digital personalities.
I now have the following:

one website -,
one email address - andreawilliamssilver@gmail,
one Facebook Profile -!/andreawilliamssilver,
one Blog - YOU ARE HERE!,
one Twitter account -,
one Linked In Profile -,

and (I think) that is all.

WHEW!  I feel better than when I had four email addresses and two Facebook Pages on top of my Facebook Profile.  My Facebook Page is going away soon, so subscribe to my profile (using the link above) if you like what my page offers in regard to tips and resources for healthy living.

Do you know when to say no?  Where do you draw the line?  Is all the digital media terrific because it helps you stay "connected," perhaps even expansive as it helps you grow your business, but somehow it is suffocating you at the same time?  Well, if getting online makes you anxious and you find yourself wondering if one more profile will be the solution to all of your worldly problems, then I assure you it is time to make some changes.  What will that change be for you?  What makes sense? Eliminating one email account?  Consolidating websites?  Canceling a Twitter or Linked In Profile?  Or would completely updating one of these profiles or accounts and getting it current give you the breath of fresh air you need?  Is it time to hire help?  Is it time to set tighter boundaries around when you get online?  What is the solution?

I hope this post inspires you to throw down the anchor for a while and spend some time quietly reflecting on where you are with this and ask yourself what your soul needs right now.  Remember, you are in charge, even if at times it feels like social media controls you.  Repair the holes in your war torn sails.  Then set sail once again and let the wind carry you in the direction you choose rather than having your ship tossed around wildly at sea.  For more information on healthy living, please visit my website @ where I inspire others to be well and thrive!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Silencing Your Inner Critic: When Your Higher Self Finds It's Voice

An important thing happened when I was taking my Integrative Health Coaching Professional Training at Duke University.  My inner critic got a visual image (which I drew, and she is awesome), a name (Fly Lady), and she got an OBSERVER!  Yahoo!  A referee finally showed up to run interference on my behalf during the quarrel between fear and love that takes place in my mind.  In other words, for the first time, my inner critic had an active observer who could call her on the BS. 

Not silencing the inner critic looks like staying in a bad marriage because "divorce is wrong, and you'll damage the kids"  saying yes to every community, school, or work event because "a good person would contribute," not putting yourself out there because "you're not good enough, or you'll screw up," never taking care of your own needs because "a good mom would never put herself first," staying up all hours of the night taking care of household responsibilities because "it is a woman's work," not working out because "that would be selfish," and many other self-defeating behaviors.

We are able to silence the inner critic by cultivating the voice of it's loving observer.  The observer has an agenda that is pure.  The observer is our defender.  She is our partner in crime when it comes to living an authentic life and being fulfilled rather than deprived.  A powerful tool to amplify this loving voice is practicing mindfulness and meditation.  Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose to the present moment without judgement. And meditation is a formal practice of mindfulness. There are many different forms of meditation.  One type of meditation that can be very helpful in silencing the inner critic is the practice of loving kindness meditation.  Another way to develop your loving observer is by saying positive affirmations. An example of a positive affirmation that would be helpful in cultivating the voice of your higher self is, "I am worthy of love and I make choices in life that align with my highest good."  When we practice saying affirmations daily our thought patterns begin to change.  Other stress-reducing activities like exercising and communicating openly with others who have our best interests at heart can also be beneficial. 

So if you are ready to silence your inner critic, it is time for your higher self to step up to the plate and start calling the fouls.  Utilize these tools and when your higher self finds her voice the conversations in your head will take on a different tone, and your life will change.

Who is Taking Care of You? 12 Simple Steps to Live with Passion & Thrive

Taking Care of You!

I love this creative collage on taking care of you.  As I sat down to write this article I began to peruse pictures online.  I found one I liked a lot with a lady doing a yoga pose on a beach.  Then I realized I hadn't had lunch or practiced my favorite morning yoga routine. Oops!   So I went downstairs and prepared myself some fresh, nutritious and delicious, real food, ate it, did yoga, and now I am back at the keyboard writing. 

How easy is it to allow life to get in the way of taking care of ourselves?  I find it very easy.  We must make self-care simple and it is extremely helpful to create routines for wellness that are built into our ordinary days.  Adding anything above and beyond like spa days, vacations, or retreats is fantastic, but is only icing on the cake!  Don't wait for the occasional vacation to enjoy life and thrive while barely getting by during the time in between.  Most of us only spend 2-6 weeks on vacation so do not deprive yourself of living fully and taking good care of yourself during the other 46-50 weeks each year.  It is possible to live an ordinary life with passion and to thrive every day.

12 Simple Steps to Live with Passion & Thrive:

1.  Drink plenty of water.
2.  Eat nutritious, unprocessed foods.
3.  Get enough restorative sleep.
4.  Embrace your sexuality.  Adults, enjoy (safe) sex every day.
5.  Do work that you love, and that is meaningful.
6.  Create a nurturing physical environment at home and at work.
     Identify places that restore your spirit and energize you, and spend time there.
7.  Cultivate spirituality.  Tell God thank you every day.  Meditate.  Pray.  Journal gratitude.
8.  Nurture your relationships, including with yourself!  Communicate.  Set healthy boundaries.
     Say affirmations. 
9.  Play!  Have fun, laugh, and be creative.  Be spontaneous sometimes.
10.  Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, ideally outside. (See #11)
11.  Expose yourself to sunshine for at least 15 minutes daily, preferably and hour.  Wear sunscreen.
12.  Keep learning and remain open-minded.

Be well and thrive by engaging in each of these activities every day!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rainy Day Pleasures

I love the rain!  Rain is like permission from God to do nothing.  Or anything.  It magnifies my playfulness, my willingness to rest, and evokes positive emotions in me.  It is like soul food.  It is as if someone is whispering, "Go ahead and do whatever you'd like today.  Forget about whatever it is that you thought you were going to do."  Rain brings back memories of childhood pleasures.  As a child, when it rained I was more playful and creative.  I did things I normally would not do like make homemade play dough, go out in the far back yard where water stood and collect crawfish in a bucket, or go to the ditch in the side yard where water flowed and drop things in and watch them float away with the stream.  It was as if the agenda had been cleared and I had license to freedom, glorious freedom. 

Rain is refreshing for the earth and for my spirit.  Today, I am going to embrace the feelings of freedom, playfulness, and passion that the rain has delivered to me as a gift.  I may or may not burn my favorite candle and listen to inspiring music while I tack and string our summer bucket list creatively and colorfully on my bedroom wall.  I may or may not prepare fresh guacamole and eat gourmet chocolate, enjoying a healthful indulgence.  I may or may not sip hot tea while I create a new lesson for my Healthy Living ecourse.  I may or may not take a blissful nap.  (Gasp!) 

I've got laundry going and will certainly "be productive" today in a myriad of ways.  Yet, a sense of freedom and adventure will be the filter through which I decide what to do and how to do it. I will listen to my heart speak to me as a loving guide, creating a bright kaleidoscope in the wake of my chosen behavior.  I will be a pleasure seeker.  I will be mindful and take experiences in through each of my senses.  I might take off my flip flops and walk in the flowing fresh water at the end of the driveway.  I might sniff the banana, peaches and pineapple I blend into a smoothie, as well as the juicy mango I slice and chop for my son.  I might hug and kiss each of my children and tell them I love them.  I might rub my favorite peppermint lotion on my feet and legs and enjoy the rejuvenating cool/warm feeling and the incredible fragrance it brings.  Or maybe, just maybe, I will forget about it all and simply lie down on my bed and read a novel, or rest and listen to the rain.  Who knows?  The glory of this day is that anything goes...after all, it is raining!